Low back pain is a prevalent musculoskeletal condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Trigger points are commonly found in the lower back and can cause pain and discomfort. Dry needling is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting a thin needle into a trigger point to reduce pain and improve mobility. This article will explore the use of dry needling for low back trigger points and pain relief.
Trigger points are areas of muscle that become hyperirritable, leading to pain and discomfort. Trigger points can develop due to injury, poor posture, or overuse of muscles. When trigger points develop in the lower back, they can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Treatment for trigger points typically involves manual therapy, such as massage or stretching. However, dry needling has emerged as a promising therapy for treating trigger points in the lower back.
Dry needling is a technique that involves inserting a thin needle into a trigger point without injecting any medication. The needle is typically inserted into the skin and muscle at the site of the trigger point. The goal of dry needling is to release tension in the muscle and reduce pain. The technique is often used in combination with other therapies, such as manual therapy, exercise, and stretching.

Several studies have investigated the use of dry needling for low back pain. A systematic review published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy found that dry needling was effective in reducing pain and disability in individuals with low back pain. The review included 14 randomized controlled trials that compared dry needling to other treatments, such as physical therapy or medication. The results showed that dry needling was more effective than other treatments in reducing pain and disability.
Another study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies investigated the effects of dry needling on trigger points in the lower back. The study included 20 participants with low back pain and trigger points. The participants received three sessions of dry needling over the course of one week. The results showed that dry needling was effective in reducing pain and improving mobility in individuals with trigger points in the lower back.

The mechanism of action for dry needling is not fully understood. However, it is thought that the insertion of the needle into the trigger point causes a local twitch response. This twitch response is a reflexive contraction of the muscle fibers, which helps to release tension and reduce pain. Additionally, the insertion of the needle may stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals produced by the body.
Dry needling is typically performed by a licensed healthcare provider, such as a licensed Acupuncturist. The provider will perform an assessment to identify the trigger points in the lower back. The provider will then insert a thin needle into the trigger point and move it in and out of the muscle. The needle may be inserted for a few seconds or up to several minutes, depending on the individual's response.

It is important to note that dry needling is a relatively safe therapy when performed by a trained healthcare provider. However, there are some potential risks associated with the procedure. The most common side effect is temporary soreness or bruising at the site of the needle insertion. In rare cases, there may be more serious complications, such as infection or nerve damage.
In conclusion, low back pain is a common condition that can be caused by trigger points in the lower back. Dry needling is a therapeutic technique that has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and improving mobility in individuals with trigger points in the lower back. The technique involves inserting a thin needle into the trigger point without injecting any medication. The mechanism of action for dry needling is not fully understood, but it is thought to involve the local twitch response and the release of endorphins.
If you are considering using dry needling for back pain, Summit Acupuncture is the leading provider in Philadelphia. Our Acupuncturists have extensive experience treating a wide variety of pain conditions including low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and more. If you search for 'acupuncture near me' on google and find our clinic reviews you will be met with hundreds of happy patients sharing their pain relief stories. We would be so grateful if you were our next success case!